Merge Mansion features a plethora of items that users need to collect to accomplish a particular set of missions and renovate the Boulton mansion. While you may have to merge a few items from the source to get the desired ones, some are essentially a byproduct of an existing object.
Peony Flower Seeds are one such item that players are looking for. Anyone unaware of obtaining Peony Flower Seeds should go through the following section, which provides a detailed guide to acquire them.
A detailed guide to obtaining Peony Flower Seeds in Merge Mansion
You cannot obtain Peony Flower Seeds by merging the items in the Merge Mansion. Instead, you receive them as a drop from another item. A Vase of level 6 and higher drops one Peony Flower Seed on the adjacent square automatically.
Although this process does not involve utilizing any energy points, there is a stipulated recharge time for receiving them. Furthermore, the Vase can only stack up a few seeds.
While the Peony Flower Seeds are not of much use, they can be merged several times to create a Peony Flower, further dropping other items. The stages of merging a Peony Flower are as follows:
- Level 1 – Peony Flower Seed
- Level 2 – Peony Flower Seedling (I)
- Level 3 – Peony Flower Seedling (II)
- Level 4 – Peony Flower Bud (I)
- Level 5 – Peony Flower Bud (II)
- Level 6 – Peony Flower
You can merge it to the preferred level. However, only at the last two levels will you receive a drop of Water Leaf, which can be later merged to create a Ship in a Bottle.
How to get a Vase in the Merge Mansion
Since obtaining Peony Flower Seeds is directly dependent on the Vase, it becomes important to acquire the latter first. You can get Vase (I) from the Drawer, and you can further merge them up several times.
At the initial levels, the Vase is particularly of no use when looking to obtain Peony Flower Seeds. However, you can get Shrapnel by breaking them, which can be used to create a Mosaic in Merge Mansion.
You must merge the Vase several times to level 6 or above. As stated earlier, it is only after this level that you can get the seeds as a drop. On top of this, you may also get Cobwebbed Vases, which can essentially be unlocked using Gems, the premium in-game currency if required. Although this may save time, it is a slightly costly process.
Besides the regular storyline of the mansion, the developers have also released several Seasonal events like the current Winter Holidays. These act as a source of attraction for the game's growing fanbase by offering attractive rewards. At the moment, you can collect several exciting items of the Xmas collection from the Winter Holiday Collection Shop using special coins.
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