Well it looks like Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith aren’t really the committed couple having sex on a moment’s notice they tried to portray a few years ago. You can revisit those asinine moments here and here. That was in 2009 and 2010, and a lot can change in a relationship in three years. So now Will is probably off having hot sex with randoms instead of with Jada, and Jada is kind of talking around it.
In an interview with the Huffington Post earlier this month, Jada was asked if she and Will had an open relationship, and she didn’t say “no.” She also got really intense when she said that she told Will he could do what he wanted, only she sounded mad about it and then explained why she wasn’t going to ditch Will for cheating. At least that’s what I read into it. She said, in part, “I’ve always told Will, ‘You can do whatever you want as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be okay’… I don’t think it’s easy to be married to anyone. I think that you have to go into a relationship knowing, especially when you’re dedicating yourself to someone for the rest of your life, this is a life partnership… And so that’s something you can never take away.” That’s not a denial that they have an open relationship
Anyway Jada thought that she didn’t explain herself well enough in that interview, so she went on Facebook to try and clarify what she said and she made it way worse:
Open marriage?
Let me first say this, there are far more important things to talk about in regards to what is happening in the world than whether I have an open marriage or not. I am addressing this issue because a very important subject has been born from discussions about my statement that may be worthy of addressing.
The statement I made in regard to, “Will can do whatever he wants,” has illuminated the need to discuss the relationship between trust and love and how they co-exist.
Do we believe loving someone means owning them? Do we believe that ownership is the reason someone should “behave”? Do we believe that all the expectations, conditions, and underlying threats of “you better act right or else” keep one honest and true? Do we believe that we can have meaningful relationships with people who have not defined nor live by the integrity of his or her higher self? What of unconditional love? Or does love look like, feel like, and operate as enslavement? Do we believe that the more control we put on someone the safer we are? What of TRUST and LOVE?
Should we be married to individuals who can not be responsible for themselves and their families within their freedom? Should we be in relationships with individuals who we can not entrust to their own values, integrity, and LOVE…for us???
Here is how I will change my statement…Will and I BOTH can do WHATEVER we want, because we TRUST each other to do so. This does NOT mean we have an open relationship…this means we have a GROWN one.
[From Facebook via Bitten and Bound]
Oh give me a break with those “there’s a war going on, why are you interested in little old me” excuses. You know who did that? A bunch of celebrities, but dumbass Billy Bob Thornton is the first one who comes to mind. Jada is basically saying the same thing here that she did in the Huffpo interview, that they trust each other. Nowhere does she deny that either of them sleep with other people, and that’s their prerogative! If they have an understanding about it, good for them. But if Jada was so ok with that, why does she feel the need to keep justifying herself? She should have just let it slide after she said all that stuff in the Huffpo interview. As it is, she opened up the whole issue again. Maybe that’s what she wants though. Maybe this is her way of keeping Will on notice.
These photos are all from 4-3-13. Credit: FameFlynet