Kenya Moore has a recent interview with the Jasmine Brand, and fans were really excited to watch it. Check out her post below.
‘Catch me today on IG live with @thejasminebrand 12pm ET #kenyamoorehair @babyquestgrants #RHOA’ Kenya captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘Yes, Miss Moore. Keep your foot on them haters necks,’ and another follower reported this message: ‘Yyyyaaaayyyy u did good Kenya, and the haters were howling.’
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Kenya Moore (@thekenyamoore)
A follower said: ‘You MAKE this show Kenya, if not for you, what would we be talking about??’ and somoene else posted this: ‘No matter what hate they throw your way, always remember Jehovah loves you unconditionally.’
One commenter posted this message: ‘You did an EXCELLENT JOB as per usual, You represent DPS WELL!❤️’ and a follower said: ‘I watched found out some information I didn’t know!’
One fan said: ‘Thanks for carrying another season on your back. I know your heels 👠 hurt ❤️ @thekenyamoore,’ and somoene else posted this: ‘@thekenyamoore, You did an amazing job and brought in almost 4K viewers! You were authentic and transparent!! Good luck with the new collection.’
Someone else said: ‘Kenya, you will end up with the man of your dreams, and hopefully Marc will find the man of his dreams as well,’ and a commenter said: ‘Oh no, one meeting away and missed it. Can we catch it recorded?’
A commenter posted this: ‘Praying for you @thekenyamoore. I know what hurt disappointment and abandonment feel like. #Stayup🙌🏾’
In other recent news, Kenya Moore‘s baby girl, Brooklyn Daly, is playing doctor, and fans are completely in love with her. Check out the post.
Kenya is living her best life these days, and fans are in awe. She is always keeping fans updated on social media.