I have no issue with Luke looking at the neighbour girl while she sunbathes right under his window. It was deliberate, she knew it and he knew it. Looking at the opposite sex is not bad.
I thought the neighbour couple was the funniest ones in this ep. As for the boat being there that long, usually cops or bylaw officers don't go looking for infractions; they deal with them on a complaint basis. Since the Dunphys were the only ones directly bothered by the boat and didn't initially complain, it stayed. As soon as Claire made an official complaint, the cops showed up. Made sense to me.
I hate that everything Cam likes Mitchell hates. What attracted him to Cam exactly? While I don't care for clowns, some people do and it's a valid thing. Cam enjoys it and I don't see why Mitchell has to forbid it, gawd. He also mocks his rural-ness, which is a big part of making Cam the guy he is. As demanding and preeny as Cam is, Mitchell chose a clown from the farm, and yet now he hates both of those things so much. Ugh. Those two have no chemistry.
Haley is tiresome.