The Duke & Duchess of Cambridges 9-year-old dog Lupo has passed away

When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were first married in 2011, it was said that they knew they wanted to wait a few years before starting a family. So one of the first things they did was get a dog, a cocker spaniel puppy from a Middleton family connection (James Middleton has several cocker

When the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were first married in 2011, it was said that they knew they wanted to wait a few years before starting a family. So one of the first things they did was get a dog, a cocker spaniel puppy from a Middleton family connection (James Middleton has several cocker spaniels). The puppy was all-black and they named him Lupo. Lupo was a good companion for Will and Kate, and once Prince George came, it seemed like George looked at Lupo as his best friend. Lupo went from “prominently featured in family photos” to “largely forgotten amid three young children.” But he was a good dog and lived a good life. And now he has passed away.

I feel like nine years old is pretty young for a dog to pass away. No one is saying much about the circumstances, so I guess it was a natural death. I’m also assuming that Lupo spent most of his time at Anmer Hall, out in the country, where he could run and play with his kids. I’m super-sad about this! I always wondered why the Cambridges didn’t get additional animals too. Now I wonder if they have the heart to start over with a new puppy at some point (not right now, but maybe next spring).




Photos courtesy of social media, Kensington Palace.

