William Sieghart’s poetry pharmacy prescribes the perfect words to help you through your problems. This week: shyness
Those who suffer with shyness often come to my pharmacy and tell me that they cannot approach other people, cannot reveal anything of themselves to others, for fear of rejection. I see this lovely little poem as a hymn to the power of making oneself emotionally open – even if the best we can manage is to be emotionally ajar.
In it, Emily Dickinson contemplates a wonderful and hopeful fact: that when we open up, we do so not only to our own benefit, but to others’ as well. When we close ourselves off, we generally do so out of a fear of being seen – perhaps because to be seen and understood is something that we need so badly that it scares us. We become so focused on our own fear, our frustrated longings, that we forget others have insecurities, too. We forget that they could well be yearning for our company, for our wit and insight, just as we are yearning for theirs. Being open to other people doesn’t have to be selfish; it can be a gift that we offer to someone else who is in just as much need as us.
It can be hard to overstate the value of a small smile in the right situation. It can be absolutely transformative – an offer of friendship, or a gesture of solidarity, the first small step towards letting someone get close to you.
'They might not need me' by Emily Dickinson
They might not need me; but they might.
I’ll let my head be just in sight;
A smile as small as mine might be
Precisely their necessity.
The Poetry Pharmacy Returns is published by Particular (£12.99)