Will Yoruichi appear in Bleach TYBW part 2? Explained

In the Bleach TYBW arc, Yoruichi Shihoin has a vital role to play. Yet so far, she hasn't made an appearance in the anime. The Thousand Year Blood War arc was green-lit for the anime adaptation and premiered on October 11, 2022. The second cour was then released on July 8, 2023.

In the Bleach TYBW arc, Yoruichi Shihoin has a vital role to play. Yet so far, she hasn't made an appearance in the anime. The Thousand Year Blood War arc was green-lit for the anime adaptation and premiered on October 11, 2022. The second cour was then released on July 8, 2023.

Many Bleach fans are wondering about Yoruichi, who seems to be missing from the action. Yoruichi is one of the integral characters in Bleach whose screen presence alone makes her a favorite character. Therefore, fans are eagerly waiting for her to be back in action in the Thousand Year Blood War arc.

Fortunately, Yorucihi Shihoin will be making a grand appearance in the Bleach TYBW part 2. Still, it won't be till the later episodes of this season, especially if Studio Perriot strictly follows the manga materials.

Bleach TYBW: Yoruichi Shihoin will join the party soon in this season

There was an obvious implication that Yorucihi will be making an appearance from the Bleach TYBW part 2 Opening Theme 'STARS' by w.o.d. In the Opening Theme, Yoruchi was seen to be with Kisuke Urahara under a bridge.

It's very unlikely for a Bleach opening theme to show a character that will not be featured in the season. So, the very opening theme itself was a big giveaway that Yoruichi Shihoin will join the troops in the second invasion.

Yoruichi as seen in the anime (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Bleach TYBW part 2 centers on the second invasion of the Quincy in Soul Society led by Yhwach. Even though Yoruichi didn't make an appearance in the first season, she was preoccupied with a very essential task.

So far, three episodes of Bleach TYBW part 2 have only adapted 12 chapters (543-554). Since Yoruichi joins the party in chapter 589 of the arc, it will probably take at least six or seven more episodes before she appears in the anime.

The reason why Yoruichi couldn't appear in Bleach TYBW early on

In the Bleach TYBW arc, Yoruichi makes her grand appearance in chapter 589. In that chapter, it was shown that Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends were gearing up to return to the Soul King's Palace to follow Yhwach via a replica of Kukaku's cannon made by Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Yoruichi appeared and characteristically slapped Ichigo because the latter was staring at Orihime's new clothes too much. Urahara welcomed Yoruichi and asked her about the business that she was preoccupied with. Yoruichi then revealed a set of bottles/containers underneath her cloak.

Yoruichi Shihoin in TYBW arc (Image via Tite Kubo)

Kisuke had asked her to go and do a bit of research on the distortion that Quincy had created in the boundary that existed between the Soul Society and the Human World. Upon Yoruichi's investigation, it was found that a large amount of energy had been released at both the moment of the distortion's appearance and disappearance.

This incredible amount of energy was sufficient enough to connect two worlds together, as Urahara explained. Once he ascertained this fact, he asked Shinji Hirako to inform Hiyori and other Vizards to close the distortion and collect all the energy.

Yoruichi as seen in TYBW arc (Image via Tite Kubo)

Yoruichi Shihoin and the Vizards then worked together and collected the motion energy from the distortion in bottles and brought them to the Seireitei. This massive amount of motion energy would then be used to launch the replica of Kukaku's cannon to the Royal Palace.

Kisuke Urahara had figured out that someone would have already constructed a replica of Kukaku's Cannon, and it was none other than Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Thus, Yoruichi Shihoin had an important part to play in the events of the TYBW arc.

While the others were fighting to save the Soul Society, she was working with the Vizards to close the distortion and simultaneously collect the leaked energy.

Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses. Here are the highlights of the latest Bleach episode: Bleach TYBW episode 16

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